Creative Generation by Laura Olsen
Create In 8
Beginning at burnout.

Beginning at burnout.

What is revealed when we stop fighting the burn?

Today, we're talking about burnout. 

When a fire burns out, it's because it doesn't have enough fuel. 

And there can be two basic causes for this: 

Either it doesn't have enough material to burn, or it doesn't have enough oxygen to burn what's there. 

So what this means for us in creative terms, is that we either don't have enough creative fuel, we don't have enough inspiration, or we've gotten to the bottom of our current skills and inspirations. This is the equivalent of not having enough fuel to burn. 

Nothing is challenging, and it just feels like the same ol’ same ol’. 

In order to address this, we've got to look for new skills to develop new inspirations to ignite us to move forward. Look for fresh sources of creativity to burn through. 

What are you interested in? 

What are you inspired by that you can't quite do right? 

What have you always been fascinated by that you haven't yet tried? 

There's something for you there. Give yourself a challenge. 

The other way we can burn out is the equivalent of not having enough oxygen to burn. It's a lack of energy, we're tapped out running on empty, this can be a sign that we're not allowing ourselves enough rest. The plate is too full. In this situation, we have to do the hard work of clearing enough space for recuperation. Creativity requires rest. 

Looking for more productivity hacks or ways to do more is not going to help. Sure. Being efficient is a good goal. But there comes a time when we have to be honest with ourselves about where we are prioritizing our creativity. If it's important to us, we have to be willing to step back and refuel our being all the way through. 

I'll be honest, I've been through both of these burnout scenarios, even at the same time. And it took me a long time to navigate how to return to my creative self.

Coincidentally, that's how I came to Create In 8. It was through the searching for a way back to my creative self, that I happened upon the idea to integrate small bits of creativity every single day. That led me forward into a whole new path. 

And in this podcast, I'm sharing what I've discovered with you. 

I truly believe that burnout can be a gift if we choose to see it that way. If we open up to the potential that it holds, allow it to focus you to draw you inward and to reveal a new way forward. 

There's a beauty at the bottom of yourself. 

And sometimes, if you're stubborn like me, sometimes you have to lack the energy to keep fighting the old with the old ways to see the path that's waiting for you. 

I hope this helps you give yourself some rest. 

Find some new inspiration and see where the path leads. 

Thanks for joining me today for Create In 8,


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Creative Generation by Laura Olsen
Create In 8
A short-form podcast to encourage and nurture a tiny personal creative practice.
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Laura Olsen